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Showing posts from October, 2021


  10 INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT THE EYE First, we start with a simple eye test: Sample image 1: What do you see inside a lightgreen background image? Sample 2: What do you see inside a black background image? If you see anything inside the lightgreen and Black backgrounds, Maybe you have a vision problem!!! Because nothing is inside there.....😅 Shall we go to the topic....... 10 INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT THE EYE : 1. It is not possible to sneeze with the eyes open. 2. 80 percent of learning comes through the eyes. 3. Your eye is the fastest contracting muscle in the body, contracting less than 1/100 of a second. 4. Your iris (the color area of ​​your eye) has 256 unique characteristics; Your fingerprint is just 40. 5. If the human eye were a digital camera, it would have 576 megapixels 6. Only 1/6 of your eyeball are visible. 7. Your eyes focus on 50 different objects every second. 8. The only organ more complex than the eye is the brain. 9. Your eyes can distinguish about 10 million d...